This piece explores the digital realm of plant succession with in a computer system. Tens of thousands of random icon seeds are placed through a computer operating system. Once the computer has been re-forested, then all the seeds will be opened and become full grown plants. Because tens of thousands of full grown plant images are being opened at the same time, the computer will crash.

The software is now available. All you have to do is download the zip file and unzip it onto your desktop. Then double click on the icon_reforestation application and begin by selecting “plant seeds”. It will take a few minutes to plant seeds through out your computer. Then browse through your folders to see all of the seeds planted throughout your system.

When you’re ready to water the seeds, double click on the icon-reforestation application and select “water seeds”. Then, sit back and watch all the thousands of seeds grow on your screen, before they overwhelm your computer and cause it to crash.

Once this happens, reboot, and double click on the icon-reforestation application one last time, and select “remove seeds” to restore your computer.

(Right now it is only compatible with OS X, sorry…)

(you have backed-up of your files just in case, right?)

Icon Reforestation | 2007 | Projects