End-to-End Guide for Mobile Photogrammetry
September 17, 2021
After 6 months of hard work, we’re happy to share a compiled series of guides, demos and open-source tools to help anyone create high-quality 3D models for the web. Minimal specialty equipment required. With the support of the Knight Foundation and Open News Association’s ONA 360.

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Hear Harlem Choir Rejoice
May 17, 2021
One of my favorite stories to have had the opportunity to work on at The New York Times is an immersive project about Bethel Gospel Assembly, a Pentecostal church in Harlem called Hear A Harlem Choir Rejoice Again. It’s a moving story about the power of community and song in the midst of the pandemic by Tariro Mzezewa.
Music plays an important part of this experience, so please grab some headphones and listen to the binaural audio that I mixed within the streaming photogrammetry model of the sanctuary that we photographed. Here’s an article about the making of the story.

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Innovator In Residence
September 27, 2020
Starting this fall, I’ll be in an Innovator in Residence at Colorado College. Over the course of the semester I’ll be doing a series of screenings and meeting with students in a variety of courses, and do independent research on water issues in southern Colorado.
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Photogrammetry at the NY Times
September 21, 2020
In February 2020, I began working with the NY Times R&D team working in their 3D and photogrammetry teams. For the last three months we’ve been working on a 3D pipeline that combines our research in photogrammetry and in 3D delivery using webGL. We just published a new guide for photogrammetry techniques and tips, including 3D tiles software.

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All-Salt at Works On Water Triennial
August 04, 2020
There will be a screening of Alviso’s Medicinal All-Salt during the Works on Water Trienniel Festival August 20-22nd. There will be a live Q&A after the screening.

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New York Hall of Science Screening
May 25, 2020
I’m excited to present my film BACK WATER together with The New York Hall of Science this Tuesday, May 26th at 8pm. I will be joined by Robert Sullivan, author of The Meadowlands: Wilderness Adventure sat the Edge of a City, and Nicola Twilley, contributing writer for The New Yorker and co-host of the podcast, Gastropod, who also took part in the Back Water expedition. Together we will discuss the making of Back Water, and dive into issues ranging from adaptation, land reclamation and protection, to ideas of wilderness.

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BACK WATER Screenings
May 20, 2020
Sunday, May 17th, 3pm EST – Tickets and info
Public Art Action – Join us for an online screening, and conversation with Filmmaker Jon Cohrs, Heather Davis, and guests moderated by Amanda McDonald Crowley.
Tuesday, May 26th at 8pm EST – Tickets
New York Hall of Science – Join us for an online event celebrating the release of Jon Cohrs’ movie Back Water with a panel of individuals involved in the film and the issues and topics it raises.
Thursday, May 28th at 7:30pm EST – Tickets
Upcoming Screening with Untapped Cities
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Back Water Available on Amazon & Apple TV
May 05, 2020
My film Back Water, is now available on Amazon and Apple TV. It was released on May 5th, 2020 with several screenings planned over the coming year. Please visit BackWaterMovie.com for upcoming screenings.
In the middle of New Jersey exists a strange landscape of wetlands and wildlife migrations, garbage dumps and the ruins of industry, toxic waste sites and a river that tells the story of a civilization’s new frontier. That is what seven young people have chosen to paddle through for 10 days, in canoes – A singular expedition, as romantic as it is political.
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A fateful moment, for all to read, in the New York Times.
April 02, 2019

In 2002, I had bad accident up in Alaska. It’s an experience that has shaped my life in more ways than I care to admit. As most can attest, I rarely discuss it publicly, but it is an event that has informed much of my work and the subtext of my health pursuits. Here it is for all to read, as told through my friend Jon.
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Bear Call Mastering
January 21, 2019

I’m thrilled to announce that my new studio, Bear Call Mastering has opened in the beautiful Hudson Valley. Instead of the droning of sirens and crashing of dump trucks, we’re now surrounded by the call of the wild. The acoustics of the new studio sound fantastic and there’s been a nice equipment upgrade, records will sound better than ever. In addition to mastering, we’re also adding audio services for artists and interactives, and post-production sound for films. Come visit, and inquire about our cabin in the hills!
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Tony Conrad – Music and the Mind of the World
April 06, 2017
For the last year I’ve been working on sound restoration and mastering for 600+ tracks recorded by the late Tony Conrad. The project was organized by Cory Arcangel and the final web archive was released last week.

I’m really proud of all of the work that went into this project and it’s release coincides with of concerts and events in his memory. tonyconrad.memorial
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Chronic Data Society
October 31, 2015
The Chronic Data Society is a temporary title for multifaceted media project that explores chronic pain through research, personal antidotes, user generated data collection, shared experience, and software development to create a community driven resource and open-data research lab to help people respond to chronic pain.
The project is in it’s initial stages and is reaching out to those who suffer from chronic pain to begin to create a community of those struggling with pain. Please contact me at jon at splnlss dot com for more information.