Berlin Micro-Turf Expedition
March 12, 2010
As part of the Urban Wilderness Action Center, Myriel Milicevic + Jon Cohrs are organizing the Berlin Micro-Turf Expedition. With a team of self-defined experts (you), we will survey parking lot ecosystems, abandoned infrastructures, trade routes, and micro habitats of Berlin by dissecting the fringe-ecologies within the city.
The expedition will report back live to the ElectroSmog festival with its band of specialists who will setup up camp in several different areas in Berlin.
Using a methodology that analyzes ecological succession the expedition will collect samples, map wildlife, illustrate the topography, detect seismographic data, and observe the micro-climates to create scientific models of future urban habitats.
Please join our expedition on March 20th and let us know what expertise you would like to contribute. We’re looking for documentarians, anthropologists, photographers, seismologists, illustrators, micro-climate inspectors, ornithologists, soil tasters, and other expertise.
We will begin the expedition at 2pm on March 20th.
Electrosmog Festival Streaming will be from 7pm.
Köpenicker Str. 36-38
10179 Berlin
Let me know if you’re interesting in joining us! -jc
This is project is part of the Urban Wilderness Action Center. UWAC will be staging events in Berlin, London, Amsterdam and New York City. The first event will be the Berlin Micro-Turf Expedition then events in Amsterdam + London, followed by 6 events in New York City at the Eyebeam Atelier.
UWAC has been conceived of as part of ElectroSmog, a new, three-day, international festival that will introduce and explore of concept of “Sustainable Immobility”: a critique of current systems of hyper mobility of people and products in travel and transport, and their ecological unsustainability.
| Tags: berlin, micro-turf | More: News, Presentations
OMG TV broadcasting during 2010 olympics
February 18, 2010
We’re in Vancouver right transmitting our mundane webscraped content to the downtown Vancouver. We just updated our streaming server as well, using a custom open-source version of flash called red5. Better yet is that our tv stream is also embedable so any one can add it to their website. like so —>>>
| Tags: omg tv | More: Exhibitions, News
Steve Goodman’s “Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect and the Ecology of Fear”
January 06, 2010
Interesting review of Steve Goodman’s book on sonic weapons by Geeta Dayal. The book is a very thorough look at history and implications of sonic weapons. Read the review here.
Steve Goodman, Toby Hayes, and I will be working on some projects around this subject over the next year. I’m hoping to spend sometime reverse engineering a LRAD speaker system used in crowd control.
| Tags: rhizome, sonic weapons | More: News
Work at Nordic Embassy, Berlin. 01.07.10
January 04, 2010
Visual Voltage
opening -> January 7, 18 – 24.00:
I’ll be showing my video on urban prospecting at the exhibition.
“The exhibition Visual Voltage deals with the mayor subject “energy“ from the perspective of Swedish designers and artists.
Both climate change and pending decisions on the European energy politics motivate also artists and designers from Germany to respond to this subject with their work. These responses are now presented in the exhibition Visual Voltage Amplified which opens on January 7, 2010 and accompanies Visual Voltage until January 24.”
| Tags: energy, urban prospecting | More: Exhibitions, News
Presentation + performance at RIXC XI: ENERGY IN NATURE AND SOCIETY
October 07, 2009
This Friday, October 9th, 2009 I’m presenting a talk called ” Show me the money.” It’s loosely based on some of the ideas involved in It’s part of the RIXC ART+COMMUNICATION 2009 XI International festival for new media culture, in Riga, Latvia.
I’m going to expand on the self-made man, and how wealth can drive us to new heights.
| Tags: latvia, rixc | More: News, Presentations
Blip on Furtherfield
September 14, 2009
This joyful satire of opportunism and greed provides one of the few critiques presented at FutureSonic that account for the role of complex economic and ideological interests, in debate and action, surrounding climate change. The values (or at least the spirit) of America’s self-made-man, mining for black gold, sits uncomfortably comfortably alongside those of the hardware hackers and media activist dudes. “Being green has never been this cool”.
| Tags: article, furtherfield, urbanprospecting | More: News
Deutsche Welle radio program about my work and few others.
July 30, 2009
“How can web technologists interested in the interface between digital footprint and environmental footprint, and artists concerned with collaborative observation, mapping and intervention in the environment, bring a fresh approach to ‘citizen science’ and public engagement in the environment? Cheryl Northey found out at the recent Futuresonic Urban Festival of Art, Music & Ideas.”
audio interview
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Copyright and the Creator: Who Cares What’s Fair?
July 05, 2009
This Thursday, July 9, 6–8PM at Eyebeam, there will be a panel discussion on fair-use and appropriation within activist and creative practice moderated by Creative Commons product manager and Eyebeam research associate Fred Benenson; artist/curator Mark Tribe, audio-visual remix artist Jonny Wilson (Eclectic Method), Postmasters gallery director Magdalena Sawon, and myself.
Come early at 5pm for a BBQ in front of Eyebeam.
| Tags: copyright, fair-use | More: News, Presentations
We’re going prospecting!

© image by jan dixon & emily dixon
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OMG I’m on TV
June 24, 2009
OMG I’m on .TV
How To Save Analog Television -> Pirate TV (instructables)
OMG I’m on .TV is post-analog Pirate TV station broadcasting in NYC filling the void left behind after the digital transition. It addresses the evolution of media, fan based culture, copyrights, and discussions on bandwidth allocation. It broadcasts a loose narrative of user generated web content to old analog televisions from a Linux based web scraper. On OMG TV, there is no fast forward button or other videos to distract you. OMG TV embraces an old format, a dismissed frequency band, and remix culture to create television station representation of todays culture where the user is king.
On June 12th, 2009 analog television transmitters across the US went black. This rendered generations of older televisions useless and left open a frequency range still accessible to most people. This presented an opportunity to explore new methods of curating TV content, media consumption, and distribution in contrast with the new digital HDTV era. In particular, with the wealth of user-generated content on the web and the rapid nature of web surfing, there exists a potential to explore these fields in a static manner, rather then interactive to further challenge the content dictated by media conglomerates.
OMG TV is an analog VHF transmitter that broadcasts video content pre-programmed from the web sources. Through a web interface, users can select content to be shown the following day through various web scraping and tagging methods. In an abstract sense, this website will act as media aggregator, where people submit content tags that create loose narrative connections between otherwise dissimilar videos. An example is a show that gathers all of the most commented videos on YouTube with the tag “mowing the lawn”, and creates a bizarre and fascinating narrative about lawn mowers and the culture of videos surrounding this “genre”. In addition, the platform will be open for others to add their own scripts to scrape content, or manually curate hour-long shows. This format can also lend itself to various forms of interpretation beyond video and explore it as a new format in-of-itself.
The station ran for the period of 45 days and then went black to finalize the death of analog bandwidth in the US. In the process of creating, managing, and documenting the rise and closure of the station, parallels were drawn between the current state of content on the web and low-fi nature of analog TV, the evolution of media and fan based culture, copyright issues involved in user created content and piracy, and discussions on bandwidth allocation, particularly VHF & UHF frequency which have been sold to AT&T and Verizon.
The TV station continues to grow and transform as more content is scraped and modified. Though the station is no longer on the air in New York City it has moved to other locations where the transition is still in progress such as Canada. In February 2010 it will be broadcasting itʼs commentary on remix culture during the Vancouver Olympics in a neighborhood that has be marginalized and adversely effected by the re-zoning and development surrounding the Olympics. It will provide a stark alternative to the hyper media coverage surrounding the Olympics to a disenfranchised population that is the second poorest neighborhood in Canada.
Sample tv show ->
Cooperation and partners:
Eyebeam – Residency
EFF ( Electronic Frontier Foundation) – Legal Support
Brooklyn Law – Legal Support
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Open Video Conference
June 21, 2009
Jeff Crowse, Kenseth Armstead, and myself presented our work at the open video conference. There was a great Q&A afterwards that lead to some interesting copyright questions and dialog.